Crime Rate & Women's Safety in Utrecht

Safety index

4.2 /5

On average women living in Utrecht raises low concerns about women's safety. Based on collected reviews Utrecht has a safety index of 4.2.

Crime index

Very Low
1 /5

On average women living in Utrecht consider the crime rate in Utrecht to be very low. Based on collected reviews Utrecht has a crime index of 1.

Violence against women


On average 7.1% percentage of women in Netherlands have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner at some time in their life, according to OECD Data.


Safety walking alone after dark:


Safety using public transport:

Very Safe


Worries of being sexually harassed:

Not at all worried

Worries of being sexually assaulted or raped:

Not at all worried

Worries of being physically attacked:

Not at all worried

Worries of home broken and things stolen:

Not at all worried

Worries of being mugged or robbed:

Not at all worried

Worries of being kidnapped or murdered:

Not at all worried

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How safe is Utrecht?

It's a friendly city, not dangerous. You can go out and walk around safely. Bikes are stolen regularly, so make sure you lock them. I never had bad experiences. When you leave te city center it can be wist to have company.

Posted: May 30, 2024
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During the day utrecht is very safe. Public transport is easy and almost everybody speaks English, so it is easy to ask for help or directions. Only thing I have experienced as a women living in Utrecht her whole life is (verbal) sexual harrassment in night clubs, or guys shouting to you on the streets in the middle of the night. However, the city centre is small and there is police around everywhere. Just don’t go clubbing alone.

Posted: May 25, 2024
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Utrecht is as safe as any other city of similar size (375.000 inhabitants)! There are not many places where I felt safer than here. Walking or biking alone at night shouldn't be a problem in well-lit populated areas, but general precautions are always a good idea (like sharing live location with a friend). There have been incidents a few times (every few years or so), mostly in some specific outskirts of town (that most people wouldn't travel to anyway), but they have always been isolated cases that stop happening when that specific perpetrator is caught. But especially the city center feels really safe!

Posted: May 18, 2024
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Very safe and calm city, lots of students and internationals which makes it very open and friendly. There’s lots of nice cafes and restaurants all around, the city comes to life when the sun is out and people are always spending time outdoors!

Posted: April 25, 2024
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Utrecht is pretty safe and busy overall. I am often outside around midnight and dont feel like it is very dangerous. Though i feel like my tall-ness and demeanor might also help avoid any problems. The city center can still be pretty busy at night with a lot of people going out. Around daytime i have very little worries about safety, most people are respectful and go about their own way. Though as with every city ever, things can happen and I advise to just generally be cautious, don’t look like a lost tourist and keep an eye on your stuff.

Posted: April 14, 2024
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It’s is super safe! but I think we always should try to stay safe as girls. Utrecht has some areas where girls sometimes feel less safe in the evening hours such as Overvecht and Kanaleneiland. so you could maybe consider not going out to late by yourself in those areas. However, it is still very safe.

Posted: March 2, 2024
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Utrecht is a beautiful tinsel town in the Netherlands. It is artistry, archaic and gives off a medieval vibe. It is the 4th largest city in the Netherlands and the most bike friendly in the world. The living standards are very high here. The city centre is lined with cafes, eateries and a huge mall called the Hoog Catherijne. The city is extremely safe and offers a lot to the travelers :)

Posted: February 29, 2024
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Utrecht is a very safe city. I have been living there for many years and often cycle home alone at night and have never had a bad situation. I have also never had an issue with harassment from men, for example, while out drinking or at a club.

Posted: February 23, 2024
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Is Utrecht safe to travel?

3.9 /5

Based on 3 experiences

Solo travel experience

Utrecht is the kind of place Amsterdam would be if there weren't so many tourists - beautiful canals and harbor cellars, a vibrant nightlife, and Miffy's house. I felt very safe there when I went out in the city alone.

Posted: July 16, 2023
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Is Utrecht worth visiting?

Overall rating

3.5 /5

based on 3 experiences


Tessa (24)


Group travel experience

We had gone to a card tournament with our group of friends, so we didn't have any other activities. There was a shopping mall in the center. There was a lot of food selection there. So, as an allergic person, it was possible for me to find some dishes. There are some gluten-free options available like, for example, at Vapiano.

Posted: May 16, 2024Experienced: December, 2023
Things to do: 3/5Food: 3/5Budget-friendly: 2/5Safety: 3/5
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Annalise (27)


Solo travel experience

Felt good! Only problem I had was a date that stood me up... Luckily it's a vibrant city. Small, but fun! I spent a lot of time in the central mall near the station, honestly not a bad decision. They have great food hubs!

Posted: February 27, 2024Experienced: January, 2024
Things to do: 5/5Food: 5/5Budget-friendly: 3/5Safety: 4/5
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About Me

Hey, I am Margot. 24 years old and live in Utrecht, the Netherlands. I love to travel and meet new friends :)


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About Me

I'm a Dutch girl on a solo trip through Spain by train. Always in for a walk, a drink or to grab some food!


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Crime in Netherlands